災難 不會到此為止
去年澳洲夏天高溫47度,破百年紀錄, 不到一年,聖嬰又來了。目前災情只是初步階段。
台北成沼澤,台南、高雄將被淹沒。 在氣候專家的排名中,台灣、越南、孟加拉
Agriculture - Palm Oil Estate
Event Photo
Dr Ros 环保酵素
环保酵素技术是由泰国 Dr. Rosukon 樂素昆.普潘翁博士所研制成,她以慈悲的精神将30多年来研究酵素的秘密完全公开,更推动大众自己在家制做环保酵素,她明白只有家家户户都懂得制做环保酵素,利用环保酵素在我们每天的生活上,我们的环境污染才能减低,大家才能更进一步过着健康有机生活。
This environmental friendly enzyme is developed by Dr. Rosukon Poompanvong of Thailand. She has been actively involved in enzyme research for more than 30 years and encourages people to make garbage enzyme at home to recover our Ozone layer and ease global warming.
- Dr. Rosukon Poompanvong is the founder of the Organic Agriculture Association of Thailand.
- Working with farmers throughout Thailand and in Europe, she has succeeded in growing top-quality agricultural produce at no expense to the environment.
- She received an award for her outstanding achievement in organic farming by the FAO Regional Office in Bangkok in 2003.
- Dr Rosukon, who has a Ph.D. in alternative medicine, helped create in 1984 the Organic Agriculture Association of Thailand and seven years later, on her own with donations she had saved from practising acupuncture, she started a mobile training service to teach farmers around the country how to produce healthy foods with her enzyme method. Her mission is to help people heal themselves. Villagers from near and far come to the Health Farm to study her methods of planting, treating crops and recycling all organic waste. She also continues her mobile training, visiting three villages a week. If Thailand intends to become the kitchen of the world, Dr Rosukon is determined to make it “a good kitchen, not a toxic kitchen.”
為甚麽要做环保酵素 ?
* 能防止太陽紫外和宇宙輻射
* 減少空氣中的廢氣和毒氣
* 殺菌的功能
* 使地球的溫度不會繼續上升
* 增加空氣中氧的含量
* 在厌氧条件下,酵素(如光合菌)可耐100℃以上高温。
* 酵素在养分充足条件下,pH 值在3.5 以下也能正常生存。
* 生成抗氧化蛋白质及低分子的抗氧化物质的功能,防止物质及细胞的劣化、衰变及老化。
CH3COOH+O1+O2 = O3+H2O
臭氧測試者:曼谷.生命和環境有限公司 臭氧量 0.01 ppm 是有效率的水平用於反病毒,細菌,菌類植物以及控制所有昆虫和反气味。
• 減少化学农药洒在土地上。
• 远离昆虫的侵害(酵素是天然杀虫剂)。
• 刺激疏菜及水果树的荷尔蒙,提高品质和增加产量。
• 改善土壤环境,把貧瘠土地转变为肥沃地(酵素是天然肥料)。
• 保持清新空气(酵素是天然空气清新剂)。
• 淨化水质。
- 若用已酿制三个月的环保酵素来洗厕所,可防止水管堵塞,厕所没有臭味。
- 蚊子、苍蝇、老鼠、蟑螂的数量会减少。
- 更有效的洗衣、洗碗、抹地。
- 可用来清洗抽风机、冷气机、汽车。
- 可加入沐浴、洗发水等减少化学污染与破坏。
- 去除异味、霉菌、尘垢、污秽、油污等。
- 可抗家畜、香烟及空气中的臭味并当作空气清新剂使用。
- 减少垃圾,从而减轻社会处理垃圾的负担及费用。
- 对身体有害的微生物也会被分解和消灭。
1. 把水和黑糖倒进瓷器、陶缸或者塑胶缸里,順時方向攪均。
2. 攪均后,加入厨房鲜垃圾。鲜垃圾包括:鲜树叶、水果皮,准备丢掉的蔬菜或植物。
3. 需留一些空間让它发酵(10份之3的空间)。
4. 每天必需扭松瓶盖,讓氣體流出,直到无气为止。
5. 需发酵至少三各月。在酿制过程不必担心将会产生臭气,只需将容器蓋好。
· 鲜垃圾不包括纸、塑膠、金属罐头、瓶子。
· 需让黑糖水盖过垃圾,把浮在液体面上的垃圾按下去,使其埋在液体中。
· 垃圾液应该呈棕黃色,有橘子般的刺激气昧。
· 做好的酵素必须置放在阴凉的地方。
· 如果液体呈現黑色,即是腐败不成功了。只须加入同样分量的黑糖,重新发酵即可。
· 如桶内发现苍蝇卵和虫,不必担心,也不用将它处理,这因酿制过程的化学反应会把它处理掉。
· 如桶内表面有一层白色/黑色/棕色微生物等,不用将它处理,让它继续发酵。
· 如何处理酿制完后的垃圾渣?
o 可以拿來晒乾,搅碎后埋在土里作肥料
o 搅碎后加入黄糖倒入马桶净化粪池
o 可继续留放在缸底和下次的鮮垃圾再次酿制酵素。
以上是摘錄至環境化學-2nd edition.
秀枝医师與酵素的因緣 / Dr. Joean and the history of Eco Enzyme
很多人奇怪为什么我会出来传播环保酵素,在我内心里实在的只因为我家有三个宝贝女儿,为了让她们将来有一个安定和没有污染和天灾的环境,我想当下我可以做的就是保护我们的环境免它继续污染。2006年6月份了解如何利用有机垃圾制做成环保酵素后就开始跟朋友分享如何制做及它的好处,当时还不是很积极,而在2007年3月份,当我观看了美国前副总统MR. AL GORE 所制做的影片“不愿面对的真相”后,我才深深了解后果的严重性。当时我就不多想,马上找几位要好的朋友告诉他们,我想要将环保酵素传播到每个角落去,让人们了解如果我们现在不赶快照顾我们的环境,我们的孩子们将会面对严重的恶果。我的朋友们都一致的表态支持,愿意一起承担将环保酵素传播出去,他们不但出钱买桶,买原料,买瓶子箱子等,更出力制做及把酵素装瓶进箱等。2007年10月份开始,我们就开始全国义务巡回演讲。演讲会上除了免费进场学习外我们也分发制做酵素的说明书和酵素给出席的大众朋友们,我们只希望大众朋友能马上使用酵素,用了酵素明白它的奥妙后,能自动去制做和更多朋友分享制做酵素的重要和好处。我们不是推广酵素有多好,而是希望能减少垃圾量,减少丢掉有机垃圾就能减少甲烷汽体,甲烷汽体不止是由动物废气和燃烧燃料所生产,腐烂植物或恶臭垃圾等也共同贡献它。甲烷汽体比CO2套住热气更高21倍,所以我们更应该把有机垃圾管理好。现在我们不但能管理好有机垃圾更能把它变成对我们环境,农业,家居,身体健康有帮助的东西更重要的是每个人都能轻松的在家制做它。现在我们的酵素义工家人不止在檳城一带,全马13州,新加玻,台湾,香港,中国,印尼,印度,澳洲等地都有我们的义工家人。所有义工家人都积极推广如何制做和应用酵素。为了引起世界各国的注意,我们也计划一起来领养我们居住地区的河流,利用环保酵素来净化它,让河流变回20年前的面貌,这项计划我们已经得到全马,新加玻,台湾,印尼等地义工家人们的同意。我们相信这计划要成功我们需要透过人民心手相连,让每家每户都懂得用和制做酵素,我们的未来才会有希望。为了让更多人能参与净化河流计划,因此我们开始马不停蹄的办更多的分享会,到各处去演讲分享。希望2008年12月份时,我们可以让这历史性的一刻传偏世界。让世界人们知道有机垃圾是功臣。感恩一切造就这心意成功的朋友,愿我们有一个优美及健康的环境。温秀枝敬礼
ECO Enzyme
1. 1. What is Dr. Ros’s Garbage Enzyme?
1.1 Dr. Ros’s Garbage Enzyme is a complex organic substance of protein chain and mineral salt and juvenile hormone.
1.2 Enzyme’s Function:
· Resolve / decompose
· Transform / Change
· Compose / make up / combination
· Catalysis
1.1. As a result of catalysis, ozone is produced, which can reduce the amount of carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere and thus reduce global warming.
1.2. This enzyme can be produced easily with the organic waste from the kitchen.
1.3. If each household in the world could use this method to dispose kitchen waste thus increasing ozone in the atmosphere, we could do our part to save the environment.
2. Why should us make Garbage Enzyme?
2.1. Green House Effect:
Green House Effect is caused by green house gasses. Greenhouse gases are like a blanket. If they are at the right thickness, the Earth won’t be too hot or too cold. Many experts now think the way we burning fossil fuel and adding chemicals to the atmosphere is causing the blanket to become thicker. This makes Earth warmer, an effect knows as Global warming.
2.2. What are Global Warming and the Effect?
Global warming is referring to the increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s in recent decades and the effects are projected to be continued.
Via the greenhouse effects and natural phenomena such as solar variation combined with volcanoes have probably show us a small warming effect ever since pre-industrial times from 1950.
Climate models referenced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) project that global surface temperatures are likely to increase by 1.1 to 6.4 °C (2.0 to 11.5 °F) between 1990 and 2100.
An increase in global temperatures is expected to cause other changes, including sea level rise, increased intensity of extreme weather events, and changes in the amount and pattern of precipitation rain fall. Other effects include changes in agricultural yields, glacier retreat, species extinctions and increases in the range of disease vectors.
The increasing frequency of summer heat waves in temperate zones, typhoons, hurricanes and floods are signs of the changing weather and climate patterns across the globe.
According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 77,000 deaths are recorded annually in the Asia-Pacific region due to health problems arising from global warming. Among the potential effects of global warming would be the appearance of mosquitoes in areas where they were previously absent, with the accompanying threat of malaria and dengue fever. There is also the risk of reduced rainfall in some regions, causing a shortage of fresh water, thus introducing the danger of waterborne diseases.
2.3 Newspaper News:NST 2007/05/03
GLOBAL WARMING: Final warning... Will
As global warming looms, many scientists are sounding the alarm. Some are predicting doom. How will it affect Malaysians? Are we prepared for it? MINDERJEET KAUR wades through the gloom to find out
Global warming could even turn
And no less a person than Natural Resources and Environment Minister Datuk Seri Azmi Khalid says 1,200 sq km of coastline will be under water if no measures are taken to tackle global warming.
The journal Environment and Urbanization, in its latest issue, quoted a recent study which showed that more than two-thirds of the world’s large cities were in areas vulnerable to global warming and rising sea levels. Some 600 million people could be affected.
Malaysians are already feeling the effects of freak weather patterns and now experts warn that by 2025, higher temperatures will cause prolonged droughts and intense floods.
The impact is likely to reduce food supply, causing the prices of vegetables, rice, seafood, fruits and meat to rise………..
2.4 Mr. Al Gore:
In one especially disquieting slide, we are told that "if half of Greenland and half of the Antarctic polar ice region melt," numerous big cities around the world will be partially or almost fully submerged by varying sea levels, including parts of Lower Manhattan, San Francisco, Beijing, India, Bangladesh. In the last three places, "millions and millions of people would die," Mr. Al Gore cites, with millions more taking on the status of displaced citizens.
2.5 Enzyme Anti Greenhouse effect
As the result in enzyme production, O3 + NO3 + CO3 generated could purify the cloud and becomes white color; due to reflection from the sea the sky looks blue. But, instead dark cloud which accumulated a lot of heavy metal become greenhouse effect and more heat are trapped on the earth. The O3 from Garbage Enzyme could reduce the heavy metal in the cloud thus heat are released from the earth, that’s maintaining the earth’s temperature and save the atmosphere and global.
If every household make enzyme, this would help in anti global warming effectively.
ECO Enzyme is the solution to recover our ozone layer and lower the global temperature. Discover the endless benefits of this Earth-Saving enzyme you can make in your kitchen. It is rewarding to heal the Earth.
More NO3 in the air can feed the plant. The plants will growth well. The root can let the animal alive, and animal give their waste to the plant more hormone and nutrition.
For Agriculture
Reduce over-use of chemicals in the agriculture. Keep the farm free from infections and insects.
Enzyme can fertilize the soil for healthy vegetable growing.
It is natural hormone for plants and trees as well as natural herbicide and Pesticide. Enzyme can also cultivate sandy land to fertile farm land which is suitable for planting.
It also keeps the air in the farm atmosphere clean and cool, clean impure and dirty water in the farm.
3.3.3 For House Hold
- Enzyme is a popular household cleanser, cleaning with enzyme is a smart way to avoid using harsh chemicals. By the end those Enzyme will reach to the river & the sea and it will safe our environment.
- Remove the foul odor, mold and grime in kitchen and bathroom
- Anti bacterial and virus
- Help in driving away insects
- Remove odor from pets and cigarettes
- For ticks and carpets
- For ironing and washing
- For hallway and bedroom
- For car maintenance
ECO Enzyme is a complex solution produced by fermentation of fresh kitchen waste (fruit and vegetable dregs), brown sugar and water. It is dark brown and has a strong sweet sour fermented scent. Garbage Enzyme is a multipurpose liquid and its applications covers household, agriculture, animal husbandry, etc.
Change Climate
From day one you start making Garbage Enzyme its catalyses process will release ozone gas (O3). O3 can reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere and heavy metal that traps heat in the cloud. Hence heat can be release from the Earth, reducing greenhouse and global warming effects.
Enzyme converts ammonia to nitrate (NO3), a natural hormone and nutrient for plants. Meanwhile it converts CO2 to carbonate (CO3) which is beneficial to sea plants and marine life.
- Save money: Turn kitchen waste to DIY natural household cleaners.
- Multiple usage: Natural household cleaner; air purifier; deodorizer; insecticide; detergent; body care; car care; organic fertilizer, etc.
- Reduce pollution: Methane gas released from disposed garbage can trap 21 times more heat than CO2, worsen the global warming.
- Purify air: Remove odour. Dissolve toxic air released from smoking, car exhaust, chemical residues from household products, etc.
- Purify underground water: Enzyme that flow underground will eventually purify the river ad the sea.
- Natural pesticides: Reduce mosquitoes, flies, rats or cockroach, etc.
- Anti-bacterial and virus: Natural antiseptic for your home.
- Prevent drainpipe blockage: Release residues accumulated in the pipe of basins or toilet bowls.
Making Enzyme
Brown Sugar / Molasses : 1
Garbage (chop to smaller pieces) : 3
Water : 10
DIY Notes
Take Notes:
- Do not use glass or metal containers that cannot expand.
- Garbage for making enzyme does not include paper, plastic, metal or glass materials.
Avoid oily cooked food, fish or meat residue; orange , lemon peel or pandan leave will produce better scent.
- The ideal colour of garbage enzyme is dark brown. Add in same amount of brown sugar to re-ferment if the enzyme turns black.
- It may have white, black or brown layer on top of the enzyme, ignore it. If you encounter worms in the container, leave it for a while and close the cover tightly.
- If you have not gather enough kitchen waste, you may fill up the container gradually. The 3 months fermentation period start from the last day you add in kitchen waste.
Apakah dia “Enzim Sampah Dapur?”
Enzim Sampah Dapur adalah larutan/ramuan kampleks yang dihasilkan oleh penguraian sisa segar dari dapur (sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan), gula (gula perang, gula jageri atau molasses) dan air. Warnanya perang tua/gelap dan tapai yang sangat masam manis. Enzim Sampah Dapur juga adalah cecair pelbagai guna dan penggunaannya meliputi kegunaan di rumah, pertanian, penternakan haiwan dan sebagainya.
Perubahan Persekitaran
Dari hari pertama anda mula membuat Enzim Sampah Dapur, proses pemangkinanny akan mengeluarkan gas ozon (O3), O3 boleh mengurangkan karbon dioksida (CO2) di dalam Atmosfera dan logam berat yang memerangkapkan kepanasan di dalam awan. Bahang kepanasan boleh dikeluarkan daripada Bumi, mengurangkan kesan-kesan rumah hijau dan kepanasan sejagat.
Enzim menukarkan ammonia kepada nitrat (NO3), iaitu sejenis hormone semulajadi dan bahan makanan untuk tumbuh-tumbuhan laut dan kehidupan laut.
Ketahuilah faedah-faedah muktahir bagi menyelamatkan Bumi ini adalah dengan menghasilkan enzim yang boleh dilakukan di dapur anda. Ganjarannya adalah kesejahteraan/kemakmuran Bumi.
• Menjimatkan wang ringgit
• Menukarkan sisa dapur kepada DIY pembersih rumah semulajadi
• Kegunaan yang pelbagai
• Pembersih rumah semulajadi, penapis udara, penyahbau busuk, racun serangga, ditergen, penjagaan badan, penjagaan kereta, baja organic dan sebagainya. Mengurangkan pencemaran.
• Gas Metan yang dikeluarkan daripada sampah dapur yang dibuang boleh memerangkap panas/haba 21 kali lebih banyak berbanding dengan CO2, yang juga penyumbang kepada pemanasan sejagat.
• Menapis air bawah tanah.
• Enzim yang mengalir di bawah tanah dengan secara semulajadi menapis aliran air sungai dan laut.
• Anti bacteria dan virus
• Antiseptic (pembunuh bacteria dan virus) semulajadi untuk rumah anda.
• Mencegah paip kumbah daripada tersumbat dan limbah.
• Mengeluarkan sisa yang terkumpul di dalam paip basin basuh tangan, sinki dan mangkuk tandas.
Resepi Penyediaan
1. Kontainer plastic kedap udara
2. Air
3. Sisa Dapur (sisa buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran)
4. Gula- (Gula perang, molasses atau jageri)
Langkah 1
Isikan 60% container dengan air
Langkah 2
Isikan gula 10% daripada jumlah air
Langkah 3
Isikan sisa dapur sehingga 80% kandungan container
Langkah 4
Tutupkan container dengan ketat simpan sehingga 3 bulan (buka setiap hari untuk mengeluarkan gas bagi bulan pertama)
Berikut adalah kaedahnya
1. Gunakan container kedap udara
2. Larutkan gula dalam air, kemudian tambah sisa sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan
3. Pastikan terdapat sedikit ruang udara di dalam kontainer untuk penguraian
4. Tutupkan dengan ketat
5. Pada bulan pertama, gas akan dikeluarkan semasa proses penguraian
6. Tolakkan sisa yang timbul ke bawah jika ada
7. Simpan di tempat sejuk, kering dan mempunyai pengudaraan yang baik. Jauhi daripada pancaran terus cahaya matahari. Biarkan penguraian berlaku sekurang-kurangnya dalam tempoh 3 bulan sebelum digunakan.